Dr. Behailu G/mariam Haile
Chief Registrar
Email: behageb@gmail.com
Mobile No.: +251 92 274 4013
Office Phone: +251474524540
About Registrar office
Welcome to Bonga University Registrar Office!
The Bonga University office of Registrar, primarily serve Colleges, Departments, and students by providing services of scheduling, registration, record keeping, and reporting, the office supervises student registration, maintains student academic records and record grades, issue academic transcripts and diplomas, authenticate enrolment and graduation and administers the issuing, renewing and replacing of the students’ identification cards. In general, our registrar has the following roles;
Recruitment and registration of students according to the prepared plan of the university;
Keeping academic records of students appropriately and systematically;
Receiving admission applications to the university and submitting these to the concerned colleges;
Provision of student transcripts and credentials;
Issuing, renewing and replacing, identification cards; and
Preparing list of students recommended for graduation and submits to the Senate for approval
Online Grading Sys tem
Our registrar uses a student registration system (SRS) which helps instructors to submit exam results online. The SRS system has the following futures in generally
The system allows instructors to send stud ent result approval requests to the department when he/she finishes all exams, finally, the department sends a response for the request based on the requirement.
The system automatically calculates student grades when the result is approved by the department.
Allow students to inter-program transfer between universities or intra program transfer based on the curriculum requirement.
The system allows students to be promoted from one semester to the next semester in a very controlled manner (like automatic detection when a grade for a section is submitted).
College of Engineering and Technology (Undergraduate Programmes)
College of Natural and Computation Science (Undergraduate programs)
College of Agriculture Natural resources(Undergraduate programs)
College of Business and Economics(Undergraduate programs)
College of Social Science and Humanities(Undergraduate programs)
Geography & Environmental Studies
Civic and Ethical education
College of Health Science
Health officer
Post Graduate Programmes
Animal Production
Animal Breeding And Genetics
Bio -Diversity Conservation And Management
Forest and Nature Conservation
Watershed Management
Accounting And Finance
Masters of Business Management
Tourism and Hospitality Management
Condensed Matter Physics
History and Heritage Management