Dr.Wonishet Haile
Contact Information
Cell Phone: +251913156635
Office phone: +251474524514
P.O.Box: 334
Email: woyni2gabon@gmail.com
Office: Administration Building 2nd floor, Office No.AD 206
About Administrative and Business Development Vice President
Bonga University is one of the fourth-generation universities in Ethiopia short age since its establishment. The office of the V/President for Administrative and Business vice president is committed to fulfilling the human and material resources, as well as basic student services and campus facilities, thereby ensuring effective execution of the core missions -learning teaching, research and community service, and realization of the vision of university. Specifically, the office is mandated to execute the following tasks.
§ human resource management system fully responsive to man power needs of the university.
§ procurement system highly responsive to the material/input needs.
§ facilities that best facilitate the mission- oriented tasks of the university
§ efficient and effective system of property stocking, distribution, utilization and disposal
§ Sustaining stable and provision of students’ basic services in the university
§ customer satisfaction by enhancing the quality and efficiency in the delivery services related to the administrative affairs.
· out activity planning, implementation, reporting and performance monitoring and evaluation on the administrative affairs on a regular basis
· the implementation of the change instruments Kaizen, BSC, etc
· on improving working efficiency- digitalize/Automate- HRM, Property and finance Management systems
· Conduct SWOT analysis on the existing situations, and designing and implement strategies to address the identified limitations/gaps if any.
· good governance and institutional peace and stability.
Directorate under Office of the V/President for Administrative and Student include:
1. Head of Administrative and Business Development V/President Office
2. Human resource management Directorate
3. Finance and Procurement Directorate
4. Facility management Directorate
5. Property Administration Directorate, and