Mr. Amsalu Tesema
Head of computer Science Department
Seminar2 Building,
Office Number:
Mr. Amsalu Tesema
Head of computer Science Department
Seminar2 Building, 3 rd Floor
Office Number: 07
Tel: + 251921860079
About Department of Computer Sciences
Computers have become essential in almost all aspects of human life. The fast advancement of computer technology has changed the lifestyle of human beings. Furthermore, with the free fall of the price of computer hardware, nations, organizations, and individuals that couldn’t afford to have computers some years back are now acquiring computers. However, the acquisition of the hardware is just one step towards computerizing the activities. The most important step is probably to be able to use them properly. This necessitates a high number of skilled computer scientists who can develop the necessary applications for the computers, who can manage the acquired hardware, who can administer the computer systems, and who can decide efficiently the type and quantity of the hardware required for the organizations and all computerization processes in general. Currently, there are a number of public and private institutions running programs in Computer Science. It is expected that much more public and private institutions will continue to launch Computer Science programs in the future.
T o be a leading academic unit in the provision of quality education in Computer Science, and to be a focal point for the advancement of Computer Science research, innovation, and dissemination of valuable knowledge in line with the development endeavors of the country.
To provide quality education within the rapidly evolving areas of Computer Science
To conduct research in Computer Science and its application areas
To provide professional services to the community in the field of Computer Science
Team-work and cooperative spirit between and within instructors and students
Attaining the highest recognition in teaching and research in Computer Science
Academic honesty and respect for others as well as democratic and participatory methods of decision-making
Maintaining the highest ethical and professional standards, and providing quality education in an equitable and accessible manner