In collaboration with Bonga University
ULSPU Center for Open Education in the Russian language
In the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Educational course " Russian as a Foreign Language: Elementary Level"
Course duration: 144 hours
The course is being developed for citizens of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who do not speak Russian and plan to study Russian as a foreign language at an elementary level.
After completion of the elementary level (A1), you will know: the basics of the phonetic, grammatical, lexical structure of the Russian language; the basics of speech behavior in the most typical situations of educational, professional, everyday and socio-cultural communication, as well as be able to: understand the topic and basic information contained in various monological statements; to read various texts; to determine the subject of various texts; to understand in sufficient volume, completeness and accuracy the basic information contained in a particular text; to build a written statement on a certain topic according to a communicative attitude; to build coherent, logical oral statements on a particular topic according to a certain communicative-set attitude; to start and end a dialogue, initiate it, as well as express communicative intentions.