Mr. Belete Woreku Dagn
Head of Civil Engineering Department
Contact Information:
Office: Seminar2 Building, Ground floor
Office number: 05
Department of Civil engineering is one of the Departments in the College of Engineering and Technology launched in 2011E.C. The objective of the department is to bridge the increasing need for highly and globally qualified civil engineers. It firmly believes in producing high-caliber technical brains which will help to develop the country and the world as a whole. The biggest challenge for the development of Africa in general and Ethiopia, in particular, is the lack of sufficient infrastructure which inhibits further growth and development. As a part of the Millennium Development Goals, all African nations including Ethiopia are investing a huge amount of money in building infrastructure. The program of the government in the next few years is infrastructure development. Construction of horizontal and vertical projects is almost everywhere around the country. In this regard, the need of technical experts in this field is of utmost importance. It is the aim of the CEE to help produce this new breed of intellect in the area of infrastructure development.
Objectives of the Department
The objective of the DCE, is to produce qualified professionals who are equipped with relevant and up-to-date knowledge, skill, and attitude which will contribute to the development of the country and the world as a whole. It has an aim to share and develop technical manpower to man the rapidly changing engineering environment.
The vision of the Department
To produce technical and globally qualified professionals with up-to-date and relevant knowledge and technical skills with a strong and ethical attitude that would contribute to the development of the country and the world in general.