In Collaboration with Bonga University
ULSPU Center for Open Education in the Russian language
In the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Educational course " Russian as a Foreign Language: Elementary Level"
Course duration: 144 hours
The course is being developed for citizens of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who do not speak Russian and plan to study Russian as a foreign language at an elementary level.
After completion of the elementary level (A1), you will know: the basics of the phonetic, grammatical, lexical structure of the Russian language; the basics of speech behavior in the most typical situations of educational, professional, everyday and socio-cultural communication, as well as be able to: understand the topic and basic information contained in various monological statements; to read various texts; to determine the subject of various texts; to understand in sufficient volume, completeness and accuracy the basic information contained in a particular text; to build a written statement on a certain topic according to a communicative attitude; to build coherent, logical oral statements on a particular topic according to a certain communicative-set attitude; to start and end a dialogue, initiate it, as well as express communicative intentions.
Educational course " Russian as a Foreign Language: Basic Level "
Course duration: 144 hours
This course is being developed for citizens of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who have finished the elementary level (or) speak Russian at an elementary level and who want (or) plan to continue learning Russian as a foreign language at a basic level. The purpose of the program is to form students' linguistic, communicative, speech, socio-cultural competencies in the amount of a basic level for successful communication.
Educational course " Russian as a F oreign Language: a Communication Course "
Course duration: 36 hours
The course is aimed at developing and improving communicative competence, the ability to solve vital extralinguistic tasks using the Russian language in accordance with the norms and traditions of Russian culture in conditions of direct or indirect contact. The development of communicative competence also involves the formation of socio -cultural competence, which includes a set of knowledge about the country of the language being studied, the national and cultural characteristics of the social and speech behavior of native speakers and the ability to use such knowledge in the process of communication, following customs, rules of conduct, norms of etiquette, social conditions and stereotypes of behavior of native speakers.
Educational course " Russian Soul (cultural course) "
Course duration: 36 hours
The course is aimed at acquaintance of participants with Russian culture as a special and unique culture , as well as the influence of art and culture on the formation of the Russian soul.
Educational course "Mysterious Russia: learning by playing (interactive history workshop)"
Course duration: 36 hours
The course is aimed at studying the historical development of Russia from ancient times to the modern time. The interactive workshop contains creative tasks in various areas of Russian history. The tasks are made up in a playful way and are aimed at independently and fascinatingly obtaining information about the past and present of Russia.
Educational course "Fundamentals of the organization of project activities of subjects of educational relations"
Course duration: 36 hours
The course is aimed at improving the professional competencies of teachers necessary for the successful use of project activities as a means of forming functional literacy.
All participants of the educational courses will be awarded Certificates of Completion.