Odoo • Image and Text

Mr. Mesganaw Amsalu yideta  

Head of  Electrical and Computer Engineering Department 

Contact Information:

Office: Seminar2 Building,  4 th Floor

Office number:21

Electrical   and   Computer   Engineering   Department   Head  




The ECE Department aspires to excel in teaching, research, and industry   linkage/consultancy at a national level as well as regionally and also in   producing competent engineers within the field of electrical, electronic,   and computer engineering to solve the problem of our country and bring   about   growth.  

Realization of this vision requires focusing on specializations relevant to the need s  of   the country; namely, Communication Engineering, Electrical Power Engineering,   Computer Engineering, and Industrial Control Engineering. This in turn requires   institutional reorganization such as upgrading to faculty level where each discipline   may   have   its own department.  



The ECE Department is preparing  human power  to lead productive and   rewarding professional lives at the forefront of Engineering in the 21st century and   pursues research and linkage with the industry to advance the state-of-the-art in   electrical   and computer   engineering   education.  

About   Electrical   and   Computer   Engineering   Department  



The College of Engineering and Technology at Bonga University was established in 2011, to implement the   growth and transformation plan set by the country in serving a wide scope of the business, industrial, and   service industry needs of the state, the nation, and the world by training well-equipped graduates in   knowledge   and skills and to be the first of   its kind   in  Bonga .   During   its   inaugural   year,   the   College   has   three   programs:   Mechanical   Engineering,   Civil   Engineering,   and   Electrical   and   Computer   Engineering   programs.   From this date   on,   the   College   of   Engineering   and   Technology witnessed continuous augmentation in   its resources and now become one of the competent   colleges   in   Bonga University, with   above   50  staff.   The   core   s trategy   of   the   department   is   to   pursue   its   vision   and   mission   to   enhance   its   research,   linkage   with   industry,   academic   and   scholarly   activities,   and   become   a   center   of   excellence   for   its   programs,   thereby   improving   its eminence   in   national   and   international   rankings.  



Electrical and Computer Engineering plays an important role in the development of the country. The   development   of   the   energy,   communication,   industrial   and   commercial   sectors   need s   well-qualified   Electrical and Computer Engineers. Our graduates are working all over the country in a variety of jobs.   They work in the installation, design, testing, research, and sales of electrical devices and systems. Many of   them   are   engaged   in   the  Ethiopian   Electrical   Power   Corporation,   in   Ethiopian   Telecommunication   Corporation,   in   Ethiopian Airlines,   and   in various   other   industrial   and   business   organizations.  


It is being observed that there is a widespread and fast change in the application and development in the   field of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the country   and the world. The   d epartment   felt   that   much   is   expected   from   it   to   bring   about   changes   in   the   field   of   Electrical   Engineering,   Information   and Communication   Technology   (ICT)   in   the country.   Today’s electrical and computer engineers must be able to find solutions to new complex and challenging   technical problems. They must have strong scientific, technical and managerial skills and be able to   integrate   technical   concepts   with   practical   applications.