In Collaboration with Bonga University 

ULSPU Center  for  Open Education in the Russian language

In the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia


Educational course "   Russian as a Foreign Language: Elementary Level"

Course duration: 144 hours

The course is being developed for citizens of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who do not speak Russian and plan to study Russian as a foreign language at an elementary level.

After completion of the elementary level (A1), you will know: the basics of the phonetic, grammatical, lexical structure of the Russian language; the basics of speech behavior in the most typical situations of educational, professional, everyday and socio-cultural communication, as well as be able to: understand the topic and basic information contained in various monological statements; to read various texts; to determine the subject of various texts; to understand in sufficient volume, completeness and accuracy the basic information contained in a particular text; to build a written statement on a certain topic according to a communicative attitude; to build coherent, logical oral statements on a particular topic according to a certain communicative-set attitude; to start and end a dialogue, initiate it, as well as express communicative intentions.

Educational course "  Russian   as  a Foreign   Language:   Basic   Level  "

Course duration: 144 hours

This course is being developed for citizens of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who have finished the elementary level (or) speak Russian at an elementary level and who want (or) plan to continue learning Russian as a foreign language at a basic level. The purpose of the program is to form students' linguistic, communicative, speech, socio-cultural competencies in the amount of a basic level for successful communication.

Educational course " Russian   as  a F oreign   Language:  a Communication   Course "

Course duration: 36 hours

The course is aimed at developing   and   improving   communicative   competence,   the   ability  to solve   vital   extralinguistic   tasks   using  the Russian   language   in   accordance   with  the norms   and   traditions  of Russian culture   in   conditions  of direct   or   indirect   contact.  The development  of communicative   competence  also involves   the   formation  of socio -cultural competence,   which   includes  a set  of knowledge   about  the country  of the language  being studied,  the national  and cultural   characteristics  of the social   and   speech   behavior  of native   speakers   and  the ability  to use   such   knowledge   in  the process  of communication,   following   customs,   rules  of conduct,   norms  of etiquette,   social   conditions   and   stereotypes  of behavior  of native   speakers.

Educational course " Russian   Soul   (cultural   course) "

Course duration: 36 hours

The course is aimed at acquaintance of participants with Russian   culture   as  a special   and   unique  culture ,   as   well  as the   influence  of art   and   culture   on  the formation  of the Russian   soul.

Educational course "Mysterious Russia: learning by playing (interactive history workshop)"

Course duration: 36 hours

The course is aimed at studying the historical development of Russia from ancient times to the modern time. The interactive workshop contains creative tasks in various areas of Russian history. The tasks are made up in a playful way and are aimed at independently and fascinatingly obtaining information about the past and present of Russia.

Educational course "Fundamentals of the organization of project activities of subjects of educational relations"

Course duration: 36 hours

The course is aimed at improving  the professional competencies of teachers necessary for the successful use of project activities as a means of forming functional literacy.

All participants of the educational courses will be awarded Certificates of Completion.



Bonga University has been recognized as a global leader in the World University Rankings for Innovation (WURI)

According to the invitation given to us to explain the level and the reasons we have achieved in the World University Ranking for Innovation (WURI), to share our experience and to share the experience of others, the president of the university came and explained and signed MoU with several universities, and most of them promised to come and visit us.
                                                                                   Together we can!

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Advanced training program “Features of organization of project activity of the subjects of educational relations”

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On September 27, Bonga University hosted a workshop "Children 's Games and their Role in Socio-Cultural Development of Children" aimed at developing the competencies of participants in the use of didactic games for the socio-cultural development of children. At the workshop the participants learnt a lot of interesting things about games and their role in  children's development as well as got to know Russian culture. The workshop was conducted by lecturers of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University (Russia) and the Center for Open Education in Russian and Teaching Russian in Ethiopia.

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On September 26, at Bonga University lecturers of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University and the Center for Open Education in Russian and Teaching Russian in Ethiopia organized a panel discussion on the topic "Developing Functional Literacy of Learners: Technologies for the Design of Training Assignments ". During the panel discussion the participants got acquainted with the concepts and types of functional literacy, with the technology of designing training assignments for the development of functional literacy. University teachers, school teachers, students planning to connect their professional life with teaching took part in the panel discussion.


The alliance between Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University and Bonga University transcends mere academic cooperation

It brings immense pleasure to share the remarkable collaboration between the esteemed Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov and Bonga University in Ethiopia. President Dr. Igor Petrishchev, accompanied by Tatiana Chibisova, a senior lecturer at the faculty of foreign languages, and Prof. Oksana Mayorova, CEO of the Pan-African Public Private Partnership Development Centre, marked a significant milestone as they celebrated 'student's day' at Bonga University.

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Incentive awards were given to the students who achieved the highest score in the national 12th-class examination.

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The Bonga University lodge, which cost more than 47 million birr, has officially started to serve.

The university lodge has earned more than 47 million birr from internal revenue alone, and it has been stated that the lodge is designed to welcome both domestic and foreign guests

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June 10, 2014 E.C

The 2nd Annual National Research Conference is being held under the theme "Scientific Research, Indigenous Knowledge and Technology Transfer for Sustainable Development".

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  February 04/2015 E.C

Bonga University has laid the foundation stone for the Construction of a Research Center in Ginbo,Chena,Goba and Gesha District, Kafa Zone.

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Visit of the Bonga University president to the Michurinsky State Agrarian University

                             See More  

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Visit of the Bonga University president to   Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

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January 26/2015 E.C

A monthly tour of internal project activities by teachers and administrative staff was held!

March 11, 2014
The Minister of Education of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Prof. Berhanu Nega, spoke to the Bonga University Community.

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November 20/2015

Going on strike is considered as attacking Ethiopia in cooperation with foreign forces 

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 The Management board of Bonga University discussed the implementation of the project.

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The Coffee Science final external curriculum review of Bonga University was held on December 16, 2014.

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February 17-19, 2014 Consultation with the heads of government higher education institutions in collaboration with Bonga University, Government Procurement and Property Authority

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Bonga University 2014 The first 6-month performance appraisal was released on January 13, 2014.

February 29, 2014
A delegation led by the Director General of the Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority, Dr. Adugna Debele, and the Minister of State for Agriculture, Efa Muleta, visited the ongoing development work at Bonga University.

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A delegation led by State Minister of Health Dr. Dereje Duguma visited Bonga University on January 8, 2014. 

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Our Events

Upcoming Events

የሀገር መከላከያ ግኖ ቻችንና የየክልላቱ ልዩ ኃይሎች! ብቻችሁን አይደላችሁም!

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   ቦንጋ ዩኒቨርሲቲ  ለጀግናው የሀገር መከላከያ ሠራዊት 15 ሚሊዮን ብር እና 30 ሰንጋ ድጋፍ  አደረገ።

በጋራ እንችላለን!!!...Read more

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Support to displaced people of North who are in Dessie town! From Bonga university Via Wollo university to our people!!

Together We Can!!.. Read More

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በኮሮና ቫይረስ መከላከል ዙርያ በዞኑ በሚገኙ የተለያዩ ወረዳዎች በመዟዟር በሞንታርቦ እና በብሮሸር  ለማህበረሰቡ ግንዛቤ የማስጨበጥ ሥራ ሲሰራ በከፊል
በጋራ እንችላለን!!!... ...Read More



ነሃሴ 30/2013

1 Conclusion of green legacy

2 Launching of public diplomacy center

3 Renovating seniors house

4 Distributing pen, bag and excercise book for the families of NDF who founds in South western zone.

                                                       Together We Can

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11:30 am


መስከረም 20/2014

 መስከረም 20/2014


ሪፖርት ለባለድርሻ አካላት ቀርቧል:: ገንቢ አስተያየት ተሰጥቷል:: ግቢ ዉስጥ ያሉት ፕሮጀክቶች ተጎብኝተዋል:: በAI (artificial insemination) ላይ ስልጠና በ ዶክተር እምሩ ተሰጥቷል:: ዶክተር እምሩ ብዙ የ animal science መፅሐፍት ለዩንቨርስቲው ለግሰዋል::

                                                               በጋራ እንችላለን!

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Big events of this week in Bonga University


1_ Blood Donation

2_ Discussion with the community of University about the current situation.

3_ Green legacy as usual.

The response was wholehearted.

A_ Students decided to contribute from their meal and decided to join the defence force as needed.

                                                          Together We Can!

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On December 22, 2023, Bonga University celebrated the official opening of the Russian Education Center, 






















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Go where knowledge leads

Sure, you'll see impressive buildings and beautiful scenery on our campus, but more than that, you'll be amazed at all of the unexpected natural beauty in Bonga.

Our Achievements







  Bonga University is one of the Public Higher Education institutions in Ethiopia. It is established with its own legal personality by the proclamation No. 349/2015 of the Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. It is found in the South-Western part of Ethiopia, in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples (SNNP) region. The university is being established over nearly 168 hectares of area with an extremely impressive natural landscape.


Online Courses

This is the National Academic Digital Library of Ethiopia that consists of Subject Domains, Available online courses and Related Digital Archives  

National Academic Digital Library

More than 70,000 academic learning resources are available 

Ministry of Higher Education

 An open education platform 

Bonga University E-Learning

Consists of course for all departments